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Expressing yourself

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What does this mean?

It’s your right to express yourself – to find out things and share what you think with others.

This right is limited as it explains you have the responsibility not to hurt others with what you have to say.

EXAMPLE: In some schools there is a programme called Student Voice. This allows students to express themselves and have a say in how they learn in schools.

Learn more about this right

  • UNCRC atricle 13: It’s your right to express yourself freely and share what you think, unless it harms or offends other people.
  • Under Article 40 of the Irish Constitution, it’s your right to express yourself freely. However, there is a limit to this right as you are not entitled to say things that might provoke others to violence.
  • Under the Irish Constitution, it’s your right to protest peacefully. This is one of your fundamental rights.
  • Under the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989, you are not allowed create or distribute racist or homophobic material, or other discriminatory materials.