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Logan to promote Irish Ombudsman for Children model in Turkey

Children’s Ombudsman, Emily Logan, travels to Ankara today (Monday), at the invitation of UNICEF in Turkey. In collaboration with the Turkish Bar Association, UNICEF has organised an awareness raising week on ‘Independent Child Ombudsman’. The main purpose is the development of an advocacy forum to support the establishment of an independent Ombudsman for Children in Turkey.

As part of an international delegation, Emily will meet with members of the Turkish Parliament, the Bar Council, NGOs and children and young people at separate meetings to discuss the role of Ombudsmen for Children in monitoring and protection of children’s rights.

At the Independent Child Ombudsman conference, Emily will present the Irish model to an audience that will include children living in Turkey, members of parliament, judges, prosecutors, academics, NGOs, international organizations, and embassies.

In a research study carried out by the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre on Ombudsmen for Children institutions internationally, the Irish office is considered a strong model and one that UNICEF is keen to promote.

Emily said: “My Office is just one of a growing international network of Ombudsman for Children’s Offices. My job as Ombudsman for Children in Ireland is to promote rights and welfare of all children living in Ireland irrespective of nationality.

“Under Section 7(1) (f) of the Ombudsman for Children’s Act, 2002, I am obliged to exchange information and co-operate with Ombudsmen for Children in other states. This week is part of a global effort to promote the concept of an independent mechanism to secure the rights of children. This week is dedicated to the rights of children living in Turkey.”

Emily is on the executive of ENOC, the European Network of Ombudsmen for Children, along with colleagues she set up BINOCC, the British and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Commissioners for Children. She has also actively participated in an international effort to set up a global network of Ombudsmen for Children.


For more information, contact Nikki Gallagher at 01-8656803 or 086-8163246