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The Reality of Children’s Mental Health…
18 March 2021

There are many problems with children and adolescents in today’s world, and the biggest problem would be mental health issues. These issues has increased over the years due to the change in the system that rules the society in which we live. This has affected us a lot and in so many ways, some are affected less but mostly the majority ends up being highly affected by it.
There are many reasons which cause this but unfortunately, it’s something that just ends up happening in our lives.
Overthinking is a main reason for which this could happen and it’s not something we choose but it eventually comes to us. The bad thing about this is that it affects us and most of the time people would think we’re just exaggerating or acting up. We understand that unfortunately there are people who do lie about it and that’s another reason for which we might not be taken so seriously these days.
As we grow, we start thinking more about our future, about our life, about what will it look like in a few years from now. At the start it’s like ‘I can’t wait to grow up so I can get my own house and get a car etc.’, but there’s a point in our lives in which we start realising that life is not perfect and that it won’t be easy once we become adults. I suppose that things won’t be as hard as we think now but the reason why we think this is because of the way we’re taught.
For example, we get tests at the end of every school year so that the government and the school make sure that we are definitely learning there, but it just takes a bad day to fail that test and we don’t get any encouragement like ‘don’t worry, you’ll do better next time’ or stuff like that. No, we are told that we’re wasting our time, that we disappoint them, that if we keep up like this we’ll end up low in the future, etc.
Unfortunately, this has become the ‘correct’ way to approach a teenager and is not only used in school but also in many houses around the country and the world, and this one reason that causes Mental Health problems in young adults is called Pressure.
The worrying about what’s next and the feeling that you might be doing everything you can but it’s just not enough, creates a bad self-image of yourself, this is only one example of how mental health problems would start. I’m sure that there are many people who can relate to this and we can only hope for a better future.
Hopefully after reading this, changes will start to happen in school and everywhere because it just ‘doesn’t happen’ or it isn’t ‘a normal’ thing, no one deserves to feel like this, please, once again we count on the Government for further changes.