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The OCO library brings together our policy submissions and advice to Government, OCO strategies, reports, investigation statements, financial information and more.
Latest Releases
- October 2013
- Type: Report
- Topic: Child protection
A statement of an investigation into the provision of supports and therapeutic services for a child following disclosures of alleged sexual abuse
In November 2009 an investigation was initiated by the Ombudsman for Children under Section 8 of the Ombudsman for Children Act, 2002 (the Act). The investigation was based on a complaint we received in relation to ...
- September 2013
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Annual Report 2012
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office is required under law to submit to the Oireachtas an Annual Report on the performance of our functions. The annual report is a comprehensive report on our activities throughout the preceding ...
- July 2013
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Children in care, Education
A statement based on an investigation into provision by the Department of Education and Skills and the HSE for a child in care
In September 2010 this Office received a complaint from a Guardian ad litem (GAL) acting on behalf of a separated child, then aged 13 years, who was in the care of the HSE. This complaint was ...
- June 2013
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Family law
Advice on the Courts Bill 2013
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence published the Courts Bill 2013 on 19th March 2013. The Bill has two main purposes; to modify the in camera rule and to increase the monetary jurisdiction limits of ...
- May 2013
- Type: Research
- Topic: Children in care, Education
Education of children in care in Ireland: An exploratory study
In 2007, we published baseline research on the principal barriers facing children in Ireland in the achievement of their rights. Children in care were one of several groups of children identified as facing multiple obstacles to ...
- April 2013
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Child protection, Health
Report on the investigation of HSE Social Work Service Provision in North Lee
A complaint was submitted to this Office by a Social Work staff member from the North Lee social work team which included a complaint form and a copy of a memo she issued to line management. ...
- April 2013
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Health
An investigation regarding a HSE decision on funding for assistance for treatment abroad
In April 2011 a complaint was submitted to the Ombudsman for Children’s Office by the parents on behalf of the child aged 7 years. The child concerned was born with limb abnormalities affecting his right leg ...
- March 2013
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Disability, Education
The inclusion of a child with disabilities attending a mainstream pre-school under the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme
Between May 2011 and September 2012, we carried out an investigation based on a complaint submitted by a mother on behalf of her four-and-a-half-year-old daughter. The child was profoundly deaf as a result of early congenital ...
- December 2012
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Ombudsman for Children’s Office Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Children and young people, and the adults who care for them, need to be confident that the OCO can provide a safe environment. This Child Protection Policy sets out our approach to providing such an environment. ...
- December 2012
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Prompt payments by public sector 2012
It is a Government requirement that all central Government Departments, the Health Service Executive, the local authorities and all other public sector bodies, including the Ombudsman for Children’s Office pay their suppliers within 15 calendar days of receipt ...